Pagina Personale Docente

Psicologia sociale e di comunità

Istituto / Ciclo
Dipartimento Scienze dell'Educazione (Baccalaureato - Laurea - Scienze dell’Educazione)
Anno accademico
Anno di corso
3° Anno
Lingua in cui viene erogato il corso
Modalità di erogazione del corso
Tipologia di insegnamento
Tipologia d'esame / Metodo di valutazione
Relazioni inerenti le lezioni svolte, esame finale orale

Community and social psychology is the frame for understanding social issues "in situation", by considering the mutual interaction between personal disease and social context: it sustains individuals’ and groups’ resources, by enhancing their opportunities and empowering their ability to face the daily challenges. The Community Psychology's mindset is crucial for educator: it builds the cultural background for multidisciplinary projects, aimed to protect and sustain personal and collective well-being into communities and society. 

 The course contributes to aware students about the need to: 
 • consider the personal and social dimensions of human experience, by assuming that psychological processes are closely interconnected with social ones; 
 • promote a culture of action-oriented and real-world oriented interventions, by applying research in community and organizational settings; 
 • sustain an interdisciplinary approach. 
 The contents are divided into the following sections: 
 1. Community and social psychology 
 2. Community and social bonds 
 3. Heath & wellbeing for individuals and communities 
 4. Crisis & resources for individuals and communities 
 5. Interventions  

The course's aims are to create a common understanding of the main purpose of the discipline and of the educator’s role into community projects. A focus will be dedicated to an experience on field, in order to let the students come close to a real experience of the discipline.


The course foresees theorical lessons and individual’s and teams’ exercises, in order to promote an active participation and involvement into the learning process. 

 The exam is composed by: 
1. research project: during the course, students are asked to work in sub-groups on a topic and prepare a public discussion to be presented during the last lesson*. The personal involvement into the project is evaluated, by assessing the unique contribution in it. 
 2. oral exam: the ability to discuss critically the research project experience, together with the knowledges expressed on the reference articles will be assessed. 
 The course's language is English. 
*Because of the nature of the project, based on an experience on field, the italian language is suggested for the final classroom presentation. 
The oral exam may be taken in english or italian: if the student choose the italian language the maximum score reachable will be 27/30.

Reference text (mandatory): 

  • Costin, A., & Liliana, B. R. A. N. (2016). The Social Workers Role of Educator. Journal Plus Education, 14(1), 285-292. 7 
  • Skarupská, H. (2016). Selected methods of intervention suitable for work social educa-tor with children at risk of social exclusion. Sociální pedagogika, Social Education, 4(1), 87-103. 
  • Rumping, S., Boendermaker, L., & de Ruyter, D. J. (2019). Stimulating interdisciplinary collaboration among youth social workers: A scoping review. Health & Social Care in the Community, 27(2), 293-305. 
  • Gordon, J. (2018). The voice of the social worker: A narrative literature review. British Journal of Social Work, 48(5), 1333-1350. 
  • Martorana, F., Rania, N., & Lagomarsino, F. (2021). Which intercultural competences for teachers, educators, and social workers? A literature review. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 85, 92-103. 
  • Cheng, T. C., & Lo, C. C. (2022). Factors that contribute to strong working alliances between case managers and clients. Journal of Social Work, Vol. 22(5) 1241–1254. 
 All the text cited above will be provided at the beginning of the course. 
In the case of attendance at least of 50% of class hours, but less than 66%, the following integration is foreseen: 
Hogg, M. A., & Vaughan, G. M. (2017). Social psychology. Pearson (specific chapters will be recommended) 


  • Descrizione del corso
  • Contenuti del corso
  • Obiettivi del corso e risultati di apprendimento attesi.
  • Metodologie didattiche e attività di apprendimento previste
  • Prerequisiti
  • Calendario o programma del corso (scadenze previste)
  • Criteri disciplinari condivisi (presenza, puntualità, correttezza, ecc.)
  • Metodi e criteri di accertamento del profitto (distribuzione dei parametri di valutazione)
  • Letture richieste e consigliate.